MA Applied Linguistics, specialty Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation
Area of Studies
languages and philological sciences
Degree (in English)
Master of Arts
- English
Course Duration
2 years
ECTS points
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures)
Tuition and Other Fees
Tuition fee: the semester tuition fee is: PLN 1 000,00 (the fee can be paid in 4 installments of PLN 250,00 each).
Application Deadline(s)
2024-09-01 to 2024-09-20
Course Description
Course Profile
This is a perfect option for anyone who would like to acquire sound knowledge of research methodology in language studies. The MA programme in Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation is intended for students with a genuine interest in languages and linguistics. It provides knowledge and skills necessary for documenting languages according to 21st century standards as well as access to research methods in empirical linguistics and their application in various fields of practice.
Education Requirements
- BA, MA, or other diploma, preferably in Linguistics, Modern Languages (Philology) or related programmes. Graduates of other programmes may also apply.
- Very good knowledge of English (level B2/C1).
Address: al. Niepodległości 4, Poznań
+61 829 29 25
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
ul. Wieniawskiego 1
61-712 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48 61 829 4434, +48 61 829 4442
Study programmes
- B.A. in English Linguistics: Theories, Interfaces, Technologies
- BA in Applied Linguistics, specialty Applied Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (English and German from the start)
- BA in Central European and Balkan Studies
- BA in English Studies: Literature and Culture
- BA in European Legal Studies
- BA in German Language and Intercultural Studies (Słubice)
- BA in Global Communication
- BA in International Relations
- BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences
- BSc in Chemistry
- Environmental Management at CAU and Environmental Protection at AMU
- Inter-University Programme of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies at the 'Artes Liberales' Academy
- MA Applied Linguistics, specialty Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation
- MA in Balkan Studies
- MA in Central Europe in the International Perspective
- MA in Cultural Studies: Intercultural Communication
- MA in Digital Entrepreneurship
- MA in English Studies: Language and Communication in Healthcare
- MA in Ethnology: Cultural Differences and Transnational Process
- MA in Geohazards and Climate Change
- MA in International Relations
- MA in Journalism and Social Communication
- MA in Language-Mind-Technology
- MA in Mediterraean Studies
- MA in Modern Languages - Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation
- MA in Philology – Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation
- MA in Public Governance, Specialization: Good Governance and Civil Society
- MaMaSelf Master in Material Science
- Master of Arts in English Studies: Language and Communication in Healthcare
- Master of Intercultural Communication Studies (MICS)
- MSc in Biotechnology
- MSc in Chemistry
- MSc in Environmental Protection
- MSc in Physics of Advanced Materials for Energy Processing
- PhD programme in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- SERP-Chem