BA in German Language and Intercultural Studies (Słubice)
Area of Studies
languages and philological sciences
Degree (in English)
Master of Arts
- English
Course Duration
3 years
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
Tuition and Other Fees
Tuition Fee 3 000 PLN
Application Deadline(s)
Course Description
Course Profile
A course that is conducted jointly by the Faculty of Modern Languages of Adam Mickiewicz University and the Faculty of Cultural Studies of the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), giving the possibility of obtaining two diplomas. German studies at two universities combine learning German with studies of German culture and translation. They make it possible to learn about phenomena from various fields of culture, Polish-German relations, and to improve translation skills. As a student of intercultural German studies, you can apply for an Erasmus + scholarship, thanks to which you will spend a semester of study at one of the European universities with which the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań and the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder).
Please be advised that in order to become a student of this faculty at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, you should first be a student of Interkulturelle Germanistik at the European University Viadrina. This means that, in addition to the documents listed on the website, the necessary document included in the set of documents to be submitted is a certificate of entry on the above-mentioned direction to EU Viadrina (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung für das Wintersemester 2021/22).
People who will not be students at EU Viadrina in the 2021/2022 academic year in the field of Interkulturelle Germanistik will not be accepted for the course of German philology, specialization intercultural German studies. Recruitment on the German side lasts until September 5 this year. The conditions of recruitment for studies at EU Viadrina are available here.
Degree course assets
Classes are held in the modern Collegium Polonicum building located a few steps from the Polish-German border in Słubice and at the premises of the European University Viadrina in neighbouring Frankfurt (Oder) and are conducted by Polish and German lecturers. Graduates receive two diplomas - Polish and German. Completing the studies will enable, among others, continuing education as part of second-cycle studies at Polish and German universities or taking up professional work.
Selected study areas
- Intercultural German Studies - studies conducted jointly with the European University VIADRINA in Frankfurt (Oder).
- Selected issues from the history of Germany and its neighbours,
- Study of literature and culture,
- Literary and scientific translations,
- Linguistics (descriptive and comparative grammar),
- Practical learning of the German language,
- Intercultural communication,
- German press in the context of international relations,
- Second foreign language to choose from.
Work opportunities
Graduates of intercultural German studies can work primarily in Polish and international cultural institutions, where knowledge of German-speaking countries and intercultural competence are essential, in EU institutions in Poland and abroad, in diplomacy, in business, publishing houses, editorial offices of magazines and libraries.
Dr. Antonina Balfanz, email:
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań
ul. Wieniawskiego 1
61-712 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48 61 829 4434, +48 61 829 4442
Study programmes
- B.A. in English Linguistics: Theories, Interfaces, Technologies
- BA in Applied Linguistics, specialty Applied Linguistics and Intercultural Communication (English and German from the start)
- BA in Central European and Balkan Studies
- BA in English Studies: Literature and Culture
- BA in European Legal Studies
- BA in German Language and Intercultural Studies (Słubice)
- BA in Global Communication
- BA in International Relations
- BA in Liberal Arts and Sciences
- BSc in Chemistry
- Environmental Management at CAU and Environmental Protection at AMU
- Inter-University Programme of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies at the 'Artes Liberales' Academy
- MA Applied Linguistics, specialty Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation
- MA in Balkan Studies
- MA in Central Europe in the International Perspective
- MA in Cultural Studies: Intercultural Communication
- MA in Digital Entrepreneurship
- MA in English Studies: Language and Communication in Healthcare
- MA in Ethnology: Cultural Differences and Transnational Process
- MA in Geohazards and Climate Change
- MA in International Relations
- MA in Journalism and Social Communication
- MA in Language-Mind-Technology
- MA in Mediterraean Studies
- MA in Modern Languages - Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation
- MA in Philology – Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation
- MA in Public Governance, Specialization: Good Governance and Civil Society
- MaMaSelf Master in Material Science
- Master of Arts in English Studies: Language and Communication in Healthcare
- Master of Intercultural Communication Studies (MICS)
- MSc in Biotechnology
- MSc in Chemistry
- MSc in Environmental Protection
- MSc in Physics of Advanced Materials for Energy Processing
- PhD programme in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
- SERP-Chem