University of Agriculture in Krakow
University of Agriculture in Krakow
al. Mickiewicza 21, 31-120 Kraków
phone +48 12 662 42 03/91
Hugo Kołłataj University of Agriculture in Krakow is a leading institution in the field of natural sciences in Poland. The University derives from the Jagiellonian University, where agricultural and forestry studies have been taught since 1890. The University ensures professional preparation of specialists in the fields of agriculture, forestry, biology, veterinary science, economics, natural science and technology. At the University of Agriculture, research is conducted in many strategic and innovative fields that belong to the broadly understood Life science sector. Quality, mobility and innovative solutions are our key issues. Such activities enable our graduates to find jobs in the best companies operating in Poland and other countries. Thanks to the above, our University is held in high regard, both in our country and abroad.
Facts & figures
Agricultural University comprises 7 faculties and the University Centre of Veterinary Medicine maintained in cooperation with the Jagiellonian University, Our offer includes several dozen courses of undergraduate, graduate, uniform Master’s, doctoral and postgraduate studies. A modern infrastructure, i.e. 3 campuses, 11 didactic units, 29 experimental stations (450 ha) and the Forest Experimental Station in w Krynica-Zdroj (6,400 ha) guarantee comfortable didactic conditions for students, as well as the possibility of professional development for employees.
Study programmes
- Agriculture, Bachelor
- Agriculture, Master
- Environmental and Plant Biotechnology (EPB), Master
- Environmental Protection, Master
- Food Engineering, Master
- Food Processing, Safety and Quality, Bachelor
- Food Technology, Master
- International Master of Horticultural Science (IMHS), Master
- Renewable Energy Sources and Waste Management, Master