Master in Applied Global Economics
Area of Studies
business studies and management sciences
Degree (in English)
- English
Course Duration
2 years
Kozminski University
Tuition and Other Fees
First year:
Admission fee 100 PLN
Tuition per year when paid in full: 25 000 PLN
Tuition per semester in 10 installments: 10 x 2520 PLN
Second year:
Tuition per year when paid in full: 26 300 PLN
Tuition per semester in 10 installments: 5 x 2 650 PLN
Application Deadline(s)
EU citizens - 20 September, non-EU citizens - it is advised to apply before 1 August because of the visa process
Course Description
Course Profile
The Master in Applied Global Economics program has been prepared based on the best graduate programs in economics from all around the world, e.g. from top universities in the U.S., UK, France, Canada and many more.
The program is international in nature. An highly internationalized staff, intensive linguistic training, and several opportunities to participate in exchange programs. At Kozminski University we have students coming from almost 80 countries.
A wide range of career opportunities in international organizations, international economic institutions, multinational enterprises, consulting firms, banks, and top universities.
Most of the applied courses that you will be taking as part of the program are created and conducted by practitioners, who among others work also on a daily basis as public servants (e.g. in the World Bank Group, governmental institutions, OECD).
The university creates its curriculum and facilities to create an inspiring and engaging international environment where students are encouraged to cooperate and exchange ideas
Many experts from the world of economics are frequently visiting Kozminski University giving guest lectures and master classes. Among them we have hosted notable figures including Noble Prize recepients like Prof. Edward C. Prescott and Prof. Robert J. Aumann.
Education Requirements
Bachelor/Master degree diploma, certificate confirming proficiency in English
Other Requirements
Admission for full-time and part-time Master programs at Kozminski University is based on 2 criteria: GPA on your previous studies and results of an online entry test. Maximum score is 100 points - 50 points for the test and 50 for GPA. Candidates who scored at least 60 points from both criteria will be qualified to the program.
Kozminski University
Address: ul. Jagiellońska 57/59,
03-301 Warsaw, Poland
Tel.+48 22 519 22 69
Fax: +48 22 519 23 09
Head of Admission Office: Dana Duda
Kozminski University
57/59 Jagiellońska St.
03-301 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 22 519 22 69