Double Master’s Degree in Food Technology
Area of Studies
agricultural sciences
Degree (in English)
- English
Course Duration
3 semesters
ECTS points
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Science
Tuition and Other Fees
Tuition fee: PLN 9000 per semester (free to EU students and other exempted groups)
Application fee: EUR 20
Student ID: PLN 22
Application Deadline(s)
Contact the Unit
Course Description
Course Profile
This new programme is a double diploma degree in food technology taught in English in cooperation with our partner from Spain, the Miguel Hernández University of Elche. Students will spend part of the course in Spain and part in Poland, they will write their master’s theses under the supervision of lecturers from both universities, and in the end they will receive two diplomas. More academically oriented students will appreciate the fact that the new double diploma programme stems from a long time partnership of both universities in research and PHD level education, which offers unique opportunities for further academic development.
What makes this programme unique is the emphasis placed on innovation and tradition – two equally important aspects of food. You will learn everything about production, safety and quality control and certification of food products. You will also find out more about neutraceuticals, functional food ingredients, and sustainability in the food industry, for example innovative packaging and alternatives to traditional animal products. As for the traditional aspect, during your time at each university you will have the opportunity to learn more about the regional cuisine and technologies specific to each country. While in Poland, you will learn more about Polish traditional foods and techniques, and the second semester spent at the UMH will teach you more about regional Valencian technologies and products, such as exotic fruit and vegetables, wines, cheese, seafood, snacks, and confectionery. Apart from purely scientific issues, you will also learn the secrets of food marketing and market evaluation in order to recognise consumer needs and effectively promote your products. You will also learn how to build your academic career, raise funds for your research and publish your findings in academic journals.
Graduates of the programme gain qualifications to work as food technologists, product development scientists, quality managers, laboratory technicians, production and packaging managers and more.
The new program is established within the project “B-Innova - Master in Food Technology - double Master's degree studies of the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences and the University Miguel Hernandez de Elche in Food Technology and Human Nutrition”, sponsored by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, agreement No PI/KAT/2019/1/00024/U/00001, within the program “Katamaran – Establishing and conducting joint second-cycle studies”, which is a non-competition project of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange “Supporting the institutional capacity of Polish HEIs through establishing and conducting international studies curricula”, project No POWR.03.03.00-00-PN16/18, implemented under Measure: 3.3 Internationalisation of Polish higher education, OP KED.
Education Requirements
A BSc diploma in a relevant field
Other Requirements
At least upper intermediate English language skills (level B2 or higher)
+48 71 320 10 45
Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences
phone: +48 71 320 10 75
Study programmes
- Double diploma bachelor’s degree in Bioeconomy
- Double Master’s Degree in Food Technology
- PhD in Agriculture and Horticulture
- PhD in Animal Science and Fisheries
- PhD in Biological Sciences
- PhD in Civil Engineering and Transport
- PhD in Environmental Engineering, Mining and Energy
- PhD in Geodesy, Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics
- PhD in Nutrition and Food Technology
- PhD in Social and economic geography and spatial management
- PhD in Veterinary Science
- Uniform Master Veterinary Medicine studies in the English language